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The plastic

They are organic substances obtained through the chemical process of transformation of natural products as macromolecules , therefore they are composed of simple structural elements that are called monomers and are generally called polymers . They come from oil and natural gas but could be produced from coal and other plant materials.

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The plastic

In the environment it is fragmenting into increasingly minute Microplastic . They attract and accumulate toxic substances . These fragments already pollute all the seas and coasts of the planet. And they are present in practically all ecosystems.

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No more than 4% of hydrocarbon consumption goes to the production of plastics .

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The plastics

It is an omnipresent element in our day to day. Containers for food, toys, clothing, cosmetics, bags, curtains, utensils, toilet items It is estimated that about 100 million tons of plastics are produced per year and most of them end up in the seas and oceans, making up 80% of marine litter . The problem is not only that they pollute the environment, butthey can also have a harmful effect on our health .

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Can the safest plastics be differentiated according to their classification ? All plastics have an identification code placed on the bottom of the containers. The most toxic plastics are 7, 3 and 6, the safest are 1,2,4 and 5.

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The plastic

Circular economy is the solution, it works as follows:

  1. The consumer buys consumer items and separates packaging at the source to facilitate recycling .
  2. The recyclers collect the post- consumer material and sell it in the warehouses that prequalify it according to the type of plastic.
  3. INFRAPOL receives the post-consumer material, classifies it according to the type of plastic , then processes it and turns it into plastic wood useful for different uses.
  4. The Wood plastic is used to manufacture products such as playground equipment, stretchers, doors, fences, houses, among others, with the characteristic of its durability and resistance.
  5. The final consumed gives a new use to the plastic material and the cycle is restarted in the consumption of single-use products.